Thursday, 18 February 2016

Pastors Are Often Anointed To Do A Job

By Jack Eldwoods

These days, you'll never have a day when there's no one prophesizing about something. Almost every time, you'll see it on TV, on Youtube or anywhere: someone claims the world will crumble in 2012 or someone claims Jesus is making his second coming. Someone claims that we will all be doomed by a meteor called Planet X. These claims are known as prophecy. When you hear that word, "prophecy", you think of the man who is symbolized in Islam, Muhammad or the men who proclaim Jesus is the savior in Catholicism.

But really, what is prophecy? Is it just some kind of word used to make proclamations on-the-go? Prophecy is the type in which the people who are prophesying share the events of the future and begin to fix them up to show them what the future is going to be about. It can mean that if the prophet says to you that you're going to have a raise in salary on your job as a painter, then you will have a raise in your job in the next few months. It's a way of saying they can see what the future holds. They just stay quiet for a while and see what the future holds right in their brain.

Churches hide the real meanings of the Bible. If you're in masses, you'll know the priest or pastor has a sermon to tell you the meanings of the day's passages from the Bible. Sometimes, the priest or pastor will not actually tell you what the meaning is. They hide it by mumbling their own opinions about the world. Instead of sharing news of the Lord, they're telling you things that should only be said in private.

Anointed pastors are capable of doing the services of miracles and exorcisms if needed. They may not come often, but in the case of an occurrence, it's better to be prepared and the anointed always have the upper hand. As they relay the words of God, they are able to understand beyond any human capability. They see its true meaning and can share various interpretations that can benefit the many who want to hear God's messages to their hearts.

Churches are not in sync anymore. Churches remain to be the same churches they were many years ago. This is a factor of failure because if they cannot keep up with the world, they won't be able to get new members. Churches want to keep their traditions but they're not adjusting them accordingly. Churches are failing in the 21st century, but that doesn't mean they should remain in a mode of failure. If they can do it right, they can rise from their struggles and re-establish themselves. They must show the world they are the pilgrimages of God.

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