Wednesday 23 January 2019

Maintaining Sanitation On Houseboat Toilet

By Martha Gray

For people living along the coast region may use boats for fishing, transport or recreational purposes. The boat owners should beware of the best practices that they should implement especially for sanitation and the comfort of their clients. Houseboat toilet should have proper care even when there is a party on the boat that requires regular use of these toilets. Find below article to explain more on the toilets in the boat.

Odours have been the main challenge that we see to be common among many boat owners which they describe as having a smell of rotten eggs. The source of this odour mostly is marine life especially during summer of hot seasons since bacteria when broken odour causes the odour. Another cause is the grass and also leakages from the loose installation of the houseboat lavatories.

Portable toilets are the solution for beat users who may need a waste disposal system for a short period of time, for example, a weekend getaway. This is due to the fact that it is an inexpensive method also get rid of the idea that there will be a need for plumbing in the boat also with this method it almost impossible to have clogging. There are chemicals that can be added to these toilets to avoid odour.

Depending on the sanitation regulations then the boat owners should use the most appropriate method of waste disposal since discharging sewage into the sea is considered illegal but with limits of a certain miles that they can dispose the waste. If there is provision of facilities that can safely pump out these waste, then a self-discharge holding tank is advised.

For instance, if there was a party on the boat, then there should be a controlled use of the latrine and thus electric flush should be installed to provide for controlled water use. Depending on the number of people on the boat and how long they stay on shore the boat owner should have the most appropriate strategies for sanitation on the boat and waste disposal procedures should be used.

Cheap is expensive. Most boats no matter the size tend to use cheap material which can also make them encounter major issues of the toilet in the sea. Thus, the joker valve that is the rubber through which the waste products pass should be large, a kit for rebuilding the toilet should always be available just in case and the seat should be comfortable and installed in a good angle.

For lubrication, mineral oil or lubricants that are marine friendly are recommended since they help maintain leather parts as well as internal rubber. Leaking is also a major issue with these toilets and sources of these could range from grass and marine life attached to these toilets but can be controlled by installing a strainer, an anti-siphon valve should also be properly installed to avoid this odor.

Biodegradable latrine paper is used on these boats and phosphate free cleaning detergents are also relevant. A holding tank with multiple outlet systems ensures that there are fewer issues of clogging. Ay-valve should also be properly installed to avoid issues of clogging. Lubricants such as mineral oil are used to maintain lubrication on internal rubber and other leather parts.

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