Sunday, 23 February 2014

Huge Tax Deductions That People Rarely Use

By Norbert Higensen

Tax season is right around the corner. Before you start sobbing and crawl under your desk like a frightened puppy, take a second to read about how you can prepare yourself for the tax season gauntlet. There are some simple ways to prepare for this dreaded time of year. Take these steps now, not later, to ensure that when April 15th rolls around, you won't need to go out and find a tax attorney to handle your case.

It is important to know the various tax filing options available and to seek professional help from a tax professional or accountant. There can be many complications if taxes are not filed properly or may have errors.

Filing your taxes requires a lot of documents that, if gathered beforehand, can save you time and prevent stress. Even if your filing status is simple, gather up you documents before so that you can be ready to fill-in the boxes when you are asked. Once you have all of your documents, you can file as early as possible. Not only will this guarantee that you get your refund quickly, it will also guarantee that you have a happy April 15th instead of a stressful, nightmarish one. Start compiling everything as soon as you possibly can. Don't forget to gather up all of the receipts that you will need to file. Hopefully you have been setting them aside all year long! If not, there is always next year to do better.

The ironic thing is that most people know that they can receive a deduction on their taxes for donations to charity but still do not take advantage of the tax credit offered for doing so. Perhaps one reason why people continue to forgo their rightful tax deduction on charitable donations is because they simply forget that they have donated.

* Child and Dependant Care Credit: Assists in providing supplemental credit for daycare costs for dependants less than 13 years of age.

Contact a Tax Expert

Sometimes it is just easier to let an expert take control of the situation. This can save you a huge headache. There are several companies out there that specialize in filing taxes. They can also help you find all of the deductions which you may be missing.

* Earned Income Tax Credit: This credit is based on the adjusted gross income, and varies depending on the filing status. It is clear that researching and finding out what tax credits you may qualify for is worth considering. Tax Problems

Get Started Now

These are simply two of the many tax deductions that people routninely miss out on, but there are many, many more such as deducting the points on a home refinance, the points on an old home refinance, personal costs incurred in a business, and plenty of others. This year, take the time to learn all you can about the different tax deductions you qualify for and start receiving the money that is yours.

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