Tuesday, 27 January 2015

The Impressive Dog Cone Alternative

By Ines Flores

After a routine or emergency visit to the vet, the solution provided might not be what you are looking for. They usually recommend a plastic Elizabethan collar, something that will make your pet uncomfortable. You do not need to feel restricted; a dog cone alternative is always available on the market. In addition to this, you can also make some awesome ones from the reused materials guaranteeing to help the dog heal up nicely and comfortably.

These options are better than plastics as they are much softer with lightweight weight. Most importantly, they are designed in a way they are liked by the pet. A good example is the Soft-E Fabric Elizabethan Collar Size that offers an empathetic way of ensuring that the dog does not worsen its wounds.

It prevents the dog from interfering with the wound in a humane way. Its cone shape and soft, comfortable material guarantees to win the dog's liking. Other factors like water resistance capability and allergy properties are also considered. Lastly, it is not toxic to the pet, very lightweight, yet hard enough to resist bites and claws.

The other popular alternative is the ProCollar Premium Protective Collar. It comes with an inflatable inner bladder. This is made from a vinyl material that gets inflated by way of a double way air valve. When it is inflated, its size and thickness both work as a soft deterrent.

The other brand to look for is the ProCollar Premium Protective Collar that has an inflatable bladder. The primary material for the manufacture is the plastic vinyl that gets inflated using a two-way air valve. On inflation, both the thickness and the size offer a soft deterrent to the pet.

BiteNot Collar is also popular on the market and has proven to be good. It offers an unobstructed peripheral vision. The collar allows the pet to live its normal life. It can play, drink, and eat with no any impediment. Meanwhile, it offers protection to the critical body parts like the abdomen, chest, genitals, the rump, the tail, flanks and other parts so that it does not interfere with the wound on these parts.

Boobooloon Inflatable Protective Pet Recovery Collar is also popular. It is designed to form a cushion around the neck. The cushion is very soft and flexible so that the injury is not further aggregated. Just like the other versions, it ensures that the pet leads a normal life as much as possible, not hindering activities like eating, sleeping and playing.

The alternatives, that the vet may give, are not the perfect solution and the dog is bound to dislike it. The Elizabethan collar, for instance, is normally very heavy, stiff, and opaque. They are also wide, unwieldy and very uncomfortable. However, there are several options that can work better and keep the pet very happy without doing any other harm to the healing wound or fresh injuries. They are not necessarily expensive and are easy to find from online shops.

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