Tuesday, 9 February 2016

How To Start Developing A Photographic Memory

By Margaret Myers

Being able to remember or recall things at a glance can be an extremely useful skill to have. Developing a photographic memory - also known as an eidetic memory - can be most beneficial in a variety of situations, circumstances or even professions. Those with an exceptional level of such skill are often referred to as eidetickers.

This type of memory can really help in situations where a sequence of events may have occurred in rapid succession and information may be otherwise difficult to remember at a later time. A good example of this would be where a person has been assaulted or where some other type of crime has occurred. Capturing the scene visually in your head can actually help to solve a crime.

If you are a victim or even a witness so some such occurrence, having an excellent photographic memory is a good way to assist police officers in solving the crime or catching a criminal. You may remember distinct features of the assailant, and this could be used to accurately sketch what he or she looks like. As a result, this could speed up how quickly the crime is solved.

There are ways to develop such a memory, even if it doesn't come naturally. The Dark Room Method is one rumored to be used to help train those in the military, as having an eidetic memory in such a profession could be priceless. The Loci System and Linking Method share similarities, and are also good ways to work on the skill.

The Loci System involves the use of bizarre imagery to facilitate memory. The development of this method has been based on the fact that the brain is always more apt at remembering things out of the ordinary, or outright bizarre. As with the linking method, the Loci System encourages the use of creating bizarre story lines to associate with particular landmarks or items on a list, so that they become more memorable.

The Dark Room Method is a very simple exercise which has proven to be effective with consistency. Daily practice is recommended over a period of four to five weeks to really benefit from the process. You will need a dark room to sit in with a torch or lamp that you can switch on at off momentarily. You will also need a book and some card that has a window cut out of it to create a space through which you can see a paragraph in the book.

Place the card with the cutout space directly over a paragraph of text in the book to memorize. Sitting in the dark room, allow the eyes to adjust to the darkness at first and then turn on the light source for a moment, looking at the text in the cutout space. Turn the light back off and the image of the text should remain before the eyes.

If you do this for a quarter of an hour every day, you will quickly learn to absorb more information in shorter spaces of time from just one look. You will be able to remember other things you see, if only for a moment. Once you put in the practice, you are bound to get the results.

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1 comment:

  1. Frustrating, it really is, but you will be glad to know that there is something you can do about potentially embarrassing situations like these that require a particular form of memory - photographic memory. photographic memory training
