Friday, 30 September 2016

Without A Criminal Lawyer Glastonbury CT Accused Have Little Hope In Court

By Christine Lee

It is not only people that commit violent and abhorrent crimes that can find themselves in trouble with the law enforcement authorities. A surprising number of ordinary citizens are arrested each year for a wide variety of offences, ranging from driving under the influence to obstructing the course of justice or failure to adhere to court orders. An arrest can be extremely stressful, but with the help of an experience criminal lawyer Glastonbury CT accused know that they are represented by the very best legal experts.

When arrested or when becoming involved in any way in a crime investigation it is vital to immediately appoint an experienced is equally important to exercise the constitutional right to remain silent and to refuse to make any form of statement until that attorney is present. It is easy to make serious mistakes when acting without having had the benefit of legal advice.

Once appointed, the attorney will make sure that all the correct procedures have been followed during the arrest process. If this was not the case he may even succeed in having the charges dropped immediately. If procedures were followed, he will next review the facts of the case and advise his client on how to proceed. An accused should never act without first consulting with his attorney.

The first priority of the attorney will be to arrange bail for the accused. In many cases this can be done within a very short time. If not, he will arrange for a bail hearing. Once bail is set and paid, the accused is free to go. If he does not have the cash to pay the bail, the attorney will help him to obtain an instant cash loan from a bail bondsman.

Bail can be revoked if the accused do not adhere to the conditions. This would mean that he would be arrested again and kept incarcerated until the case is heard in court. Conditions often include a ban on contacting anybody that maybe related to the case and on travelling. In most cases the accused also have to report to a police station at regular intervals.

The importance of being totally honest with an attorney cannot be stressed enough. Most attorneys will attest to the fact that they are often embarrassed and even humiliated in court when the accused is caught out in a lie. Many attorneys will refuse to continue to represent such clients. The attorney can only prepare a proper defence if he is in possession of all the facts.

If the accused is not one hundred per cent innocent the attorney may advise that efforts towards a plea bargain agreement is made. In such a case the attorney and the prosecutor will negotiate a sentence in exchange of a guilty plea from the accused. Such negotiations are common because it can help unclog the congested justice system. In such cases the accused will not have to appear in open court.

No one accused of a crime should ever even contemplate representing themselves. The legal system is incredibly complex and even qualified attorneys specialize in very specific fields. Laymen simply do not know how the system work and they are most likely put themselves at a terrible disadvantage.

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