Monday 23 October 2017

Guinea Hens & Their Role In Organic Tick Control

By David Kellan

Did you know that there are certain types of animals that can ward off ticks? While chickens and turkeys have been known to carry out this process, they aren't nearly as effective as guinea hens. As a matter of fact, this is one of the many reasons why farmers like to keep this type of fowl around. What makes guinea hens so useful for east end tick control purposes? Here are a few important details that you should take into account.

At first glance, you may not think much of guinea hens. After all, they are objectively silly by appearance, which is why people may not give them a second thought. However, as they grow up, they have the potential to become sharp, hardworking animals. This is especially true when it comes to pest control, which many organic tick control companies offer. As the likes of Alternative Earthcare will tell you, guinea hen owners have ample protection.

Seeing as how guinea hens can ward off ticks, it's fair to assume that they'll be able to keep the risk of disease low as well. Ticks have been known to spread various conditions, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These have various effects on people, but it cannot be denied that guinea hens can keep them away. After all, the fewer ticks there are on the property, the less likely it is that they will bite, which will result in fewer reported cases of disease.

Even though guinea hens have been known to combat ticks, these aren't the only pests that these birds can fend off. As a matter of fact, if you're worried about fleas, beetles, or even snakes, you can set your concerns by the wayside. Guinea hens are quite proficient at hunting down these creatures, which will render your property all the more pest-free. Anyone that enjoys the great outdoors will see this as a huge benefit.

To say that guinea hens are beneficial would be an understatement, whether you're an outdoors person or not. It's important to keep yourself safe and healthy at all times, especially in areas where ticks are common. Fortunately, you're not without help, as there exists a litany of organic methods you can carry out. By bringing a guinea hen or two onto your property, the results will eventually speak for themselves.

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