Saturday, 12 January 2019

Without Inner City Youth Programs Indianapolis Youngsters Are Doomed

By Kathleen Smith

In this modern, demanding world communities are not as closely knot as they used to be. The cities, especially, have become impersonal places where everyone just looks out for himself. People no longer care about each other and there seems to be no sense of community any longer. In the cities, it is especially the young people that easily go astray. They try drugs and alcohol, they drop out of school and they sometimes turn to crime. However, with their inner city youth programs Indianapolis organizations try to make a difference.

The cornerstone of any society is healthy family units. Sadly, so many families are now fragmented or dysfunctional. The divorce rate is higher than ever before, parents are too busy to see to the urgent needs of their children and the youngsters end up looking for attention, love and fulfillment elsewhere. Many charities see this need and try to create environments where these youngsters will feel safe and appreciated.

Far too many desperate and destitute young people never finish school. This means that they find it almost impossible to get employed. They have no skills. Many organizations offer these young people training programs where they can actually learn skills that can lead to employment and a better life. Socially conscious employers often subscribe to and support these efforts.

Any program meant for the benefit of young people in cities need to take into account the fact that so many of these youngsters are difficult to reach. They have been rejected, abused and used. They are often violent and they have to survive in any way that they can. This means that they have to be convinced that they can benefit from ongoing counseling and that they can actually lead meaningful lives.

Sadly, many troubled young people fall into the ugly web of addiction. They use drugs and alcohol to help them forget about their hardships. They seek oblivion in glue, heroin and very often extremely dangerous substances. They, too, cannot move on until they are clean and sober. Several organizations help these youngsters by offering extended rehabilitation programs. Resources are scare, however, and not everyone can be helped.

If one has nowhere to stay and very little to eat no motivational program will have a lasting effect. The issue is all about daily survival. But there are a few organizations and churches that offer homeless young people shelter and food. Once they are thus secured, their chances of succeeding in other programs are just so much higher. There are just a few shelters in each city, however.

Churches, charities and even the local authorities are doing wonderful work to help troubled youngsters, especially in the cities. Unfortunately, they can only scratch the surface due to a severe lack of resources. Many valuable lives fall through the cracks. They need more sponsors, volunteers and facilities. Every privileged person should deem it is solemn duty to do something to help the less privileged.

Ignoring the fact that there are so many troubled youngster in the cities will most certainly come back to haunt society as a whole. It is the young people that will take charge eventually. If they are not equipped to do so, calamity awaits. Besides, everyone deserves a chance.

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