Saturday, 24 December 2011

These Benefits of Physical Activity and Exercise Make for a Healthy Life

By Dr Graeme Teague

Physical activity and exercise can make a positive impact on your body and whole life like nothing else can. Health experts and researchers will all confirm this, as there are now numerous studies backing this up. With so many potential advantages, it only makes sense to become as active as you can. The advantages of exercise are both physical and emotional. No matter how old you are, a fitness program can be good for you. Health experts now recommend exercise to everyone, young, middle aged or older. Physical activity and exercise are worthwhile for a number of reasons, and below are a number of them.

Appearance matter to us, and skin care and anti aging industries make billions every year because of it. The reality is that there are other healthy benefits we can improve the quality of our skin with regular fitness exercise.Most people probably do not even consider that, but it is a fact that our skin will become healthier. Perhaps that makes sense from the fact that our skin is the largest organ we have. Greater blood flow caused by exercise will nourish the skin, with the effect being toxins are removed from skin. Aside from the physical benefits of exercise and physical activity, they allow the brain to release more endorphins and serotonin. You get an overall sense of well being when the brain releases these neurotransmitters.

That elevated mood state is important for reducing the symptoms associated with depression. A fitness program, over a period of time, can give you increasing benefits in this area, as the more you work out, the more often you'll experience these more positive moods. Any type of exercise, including regular walks, can contribute to elevated moods.

If you really want to multiply the benefits of exercising, combine this with a good diet. Your body chemistry really responds well to this kind of treatment, and you'll notice the difference as you get fitter and more energized. If you had a high end race car, you'd be careful what you'd put into it. To be at its best, you have to make sure your body gets regular exercise, the best possible nutrition, as well as enough sleep. Men and women of all ages can have a terrific, positive impact on their health, longevity, and overall quality of life by adopting an appropriate exercise routine. Even if you have a few extra birthdays under your belt there's no reason you can't make small steps for improvement. Just be sure to clear all exercises with your doctor before you begin. Once you get started your focus needs to shift toward staying motivated. Seriously, you can just take it easy and slowly build into something impressive. You'll find that motivation is easier to maintain once the results start rolling in.The quality of your life will become so much better, you'll see.

For almost all people, there really is no excuse for not engaging in some form of physical activity or exercise. Many people complain about lack of time, but you can get a lot done in even ten to twenty minutes. There's surely a way for you to fit than in sometime during the day, at least three times weekly. Considering the benefits to your health and longevity, it's well worth it to find this chunk of time. If you cannot do all that most people can do, then just commit to doing what you can do. If you have any doubts about your ability to start exercising, consult with your doctor.

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