Thursday, 3 May 2012

Fun Cat Facts That Will Shock People

By Robert Baker

Many households now own a family pet. There are many different types of pets that families choose to own. There are over five hundred million domestic cats in the world and thirty three different breeds. These and other fun cat facts will amaze you as you begin to learn about this furry critter.

It's hard to believe that their hearts can beat double the beats that the human heart does. That's around 110-140 beats per sixty seconds. Another amazing fact is that pet owners can live longer and healthier lives then non-pet owners.

You can tell a lot from their tail. For instance, if it is quivering, your cat is showing you the greatest expression of love possible. If they thrash their tail around, it indicates their mood has changed. They can be very moody, so watch out!

Pets can be very intelligent. Your cat can pick up on your mood swings and know if you are feeling down or sad. They can change their mood to match yours. This is just another one of the many ways that they are showing their love for you.

Getting your pets spayed or neutered can be very important. Felines reproduce at an amazing rate. The average female cat can have one hundred kittens in their life-time. That is why it is important to be concerned about the cat population.

Indoor cats live longer lives than outdoor cats. The indoor type can live an average of fifteen years while their outdoor counter part might only live three to five years. A cat's life span is very different from a human's life span.

These are only a few fun cat facts that might interest you. Many times these pets can be extremely moody, but, rest assured, they are capable of showing love when they want to. Pet owners everywhere understand why it is fulfilling to have a pet to call your own.

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