Monday, 4 November 2013

Making Your College Apartment Feel Like Home

By Hedrick Lepsch

When you move into a college apartment for the first time, it can be hard to make those cinder block walls feel like home. Many people struggle feeling like their dorm is actually a place that they can relax and enjoy their spare time.

First, wickless candles burn the wax more evenly and you don't rely on a wick to determine its life. A common problem amongst flame candles is that the wick will burn down before the wax is properly consumed. The candle will create a tunnel straight down, leaving a lot of unused wax along the edges of the glass. Once the wick's gone though, that wax becomes useless and is generally thrown away.

First, you should make sure that you are deodorizing your home. Make sure that you take the time to remove anything that does not smell good so that you can replace it with things that will smell good. When you try to cover up a bad smell with a good smell, you will find that you have a worse smell on your hands. You want to make sure that you do all that you can to remove that bad smell as thoroughly as you possibly can.

If you have pets in your home, you should be sure that you control their odor. It is important that you understand how often you should be grooming and bathing your pet so that your pet does not bring a bad odor into your home. You should be sure that you take the time to talk with the groomer about any odor problems that you may have. After you deodorize your pet you will also want to make sure that you are vacuuming and cleaning on a consistent basis.

If you cannot burn candles in your home, you may want to purchase some scentsy warmers for your dorm. A scentsy warmer will warm a candle like substance from the bottom rather than burning it from the top.

The person watching over the candle fell asleep. Candles are placed in the bedroom. Wickless candles placed on Scentsy Warmers reduce those problems drastically. Although there is a heat source, it is not as easily corruptible as the flame on a wick, surrounded by melting wax. Third, the scent spreads better. The warm smell of your candle spreads throughout the room, reaching all of the nooks and crannies, better than a traditional one would.

You will also want to make sure that you are cleaning out your trash can on a consistent basis. While you are cleaning out your trash can you have to be sure that you actually clean out the bottom of your trash can. Not only should you be taking out the trash, but you should make sure that you scrub the can. This way, any odors that are left inside of the trash can will be taken care of and eradicated on a consistent basis.

Fourth, with the Scentsy Warmer, you can actually adjust the strength of the scent. It all depends on the Scentsy bars you purchase. They can be adjusted to fill a half bathroom, or strengthened to fill a large meeting room. With products like the Scentsy Warmer you have the power to adjust the strength of your influence.

Establishing a cleaning schedule and sticking with the schedule can be a great way to minimize much of the contention that is often felt in college dorms. When you establish your cleaning schedule, you should make sure that you schedule your chores into your schedule.

Although it's true that a "wick-ed" candle provides a beautiful ambiance in darkened rooms (as it casts flickering shadows everywhere and is traditionally romantic), for everyday use, the wickless candle is often the better way to go. There are tons of options out there too. This isn't a new fad. It's growing and you can start benefiting from them today.

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