Sunday, 22 June 2014

Help For Rhode Island Singles

By Sherry Gross

Being single should not be a badge of shame. Many people make the decision every year to stay single by choice. But for others divorce, separation or just the inability to find a partner cause them much distress and heartache. It is this negative attitude towards being single that is the most harmful and can often be the one thing that prevents a good person from finding a suitable partner.

There are many ways to meet new people. Some people just run into a new partner at work or at the gym. Others are using the latest technology and on line dating services. But there are still many Rhode Island singles who are desperately looking for a relationship and the hope that someone will make them happy.

One of the most important keys to a successful future is to understand that no one is responsible for the happiness of the other person. This factor alone has caused so much distress and heartache over the years. It is a problem that especially affects the young. They may be sad, lonely and miserable and convince themselves that if the right person came along they would be happy. This belief then creates a series of unhappy relationships as the grim reality dawns on them.

Developing confidence should be a priority for everyone. It will help in all areas of life, not just dating. Single parents are often very vulnerable, especially mothers. They are typically raising their children alone and can easily sink into despair and feel that they are unattractive. This can quickly escalate into other self esteem issue that will have a negative impact on the entire family.

Having an active social life even as a single person is very important. There are so many different things to do that everyone can throw themselves into one activity or another. Some people love sports and this helps them to stay fit and in shape. Others are drawn to classes such as art or design. Being creative is a wonderful outlet and provides a great sense of satisfaction.

Being single is not the end of the world. Many people become too desperate to be in a relationship and this really does affect their judgement. It is often painfully obvious when someone is trying too hard and wants to impress their new partner. They often make outlandish promises and over commit. This typically ends badly with the person being rejected and feeling very hurt. Moving slowly and not expecting too much from others is the best way to proceed.

When that right person does come along the single person is truly ready to become part of a committed relationship. They will feel confident in themselves to make good decisions. Furthermore, they will know what they want and need from someone else.

Many people believe in love at first sight, but it is also important to be very cautious. This is especially true for those who have recently ended a relationship and may be on the rebound. They are often looking for someone to make them feel better. Those who are still recovering from a particularly bad break up should allow themselves plenty of time to feel better and create the best chance of success.

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