Saturday, 17 January 2015

When To File A Nursing Home Negligence Suit

By Kristen Baird

As people age many times they are placed in care units after surgeries that operate outside the hospital to recover and return to their previous level of functioning. Others become bed ridden and need extra care that the family can no longer supply in the home while others become confused and forgetful and are at risk of wandering away from home and becoming lost. All of these situations place loved ones in the care of others who need to be diligent in their jobs. Some families find they must file a nursing home negligence suit to ensure proper care is taken with their family member.

If you live in Hammond, LA you will find that there are many options available for long term care. It recommended that you research each of them prior to committing a family member to their care. The internet will give you statistics regarding their inspection scores and provide reviews from people who have previously used the facility. A personal inspection of the property will provide evidence of cleanliness and care factors that are important to you and your family.

Negligent treatment of patients is one of the worst forms of abuse. It can be very subtle and include such behaviors as unclean linens on patients beds, dirty common areas and unsanitary living conditions. Patients clothing may be soiled and bathing practices may be ignored. Nutrition and hydration are important issues that may be ignored or forgotten by negligent staff.

If your loved one is cognizant they may be able to tell you about their treatment while in the facility but if they are bed ridden or suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's disease they may not have the capacity to know what to tell you. Being alert for red flag items and behaviors may, in worst case scenario, save the life of your loved one.

Any sudden or extreme weight loss, bruising on arms, body or face that are not documented, urinary tract infections from lack of hydration or the onset of an illness stemming from medication misuse should be suspect. Personal effects being misplaced or disappearing altogether need to be thoroughly investigated.

Lack of properly trained staff or hiring too few people to handle the number of patients is generally the main cause of neglect. There are occasions when a staff member physically abuses patients by hitting or pinching as punishment for unwanted behaviors. Other punishments include withholding food, water or medications. If you suspect any of these things it is imperative that you report them to the authorities and make arrangements to move your loved one immediately.

Residents and patients have the right to be treated with love and respect while in these facilities. The business has an obligation to supply adequate staffing that have been trained to meet their needs. They are required to supply activities that help to maintain the patients independence during daily functions such as eating, bathing and dressing. Supervision is necessary for bed ridden patients to prevent bed sores from forming and prevent accidents and falls. Medical records must be accurate and up to date at all times.

Family members deserve to feel comfortable with the living conditions and care that their loved one is receiving in a long term care facility. If your concerns are not attended to you need to document them in writing and photographs and take the information you have to an attorney that can help you resolve the concerns you have.

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