Tuesday, 28 July 2015

The Do's & Don'ts Of Christian Church Sunday School

By David Kellan

One of the most notable services associated with any Christian church would have to be Sunday school. In this level of education, students are able to learn about the various stories in the Bible, and why they are so meaningful. With that said, I think that it'd be wise to go over the ways in which students can conduct themselves. For students and parents of those who may be attending in the future, here are some of the do's and don'ts to know.

Do make it to class on time. Much like traditional school, Christian church Sunday school hinges on attendance. You have to be able to make every class, not only in terms of presence but timeliness as well. Basically, when you are late to one too many classes, it will start to reflect poorly on you, as a student. This is just the start, but it's an essential talking point that can be covered by a number of authorities, Island Christian Church included amongst them.

Don't overlook the assignments you must do. When you have assignments to complete, it's important to get them done as soon as possible. Keep in mind that knowledge must be tested, in order to see just how well it has sunken in. Your ability to solve problems will be measured, and the same can be said about your reading comprehension skill. If you are able to take your time, not to mention pay attention in every class, you'll find that these won't be terribly difficult to finish.

Do focus on the importance of socialization. Even though the academics of Sunday school matter, I would argue that friendships are important in their own right. This is especially true if you are absent from class, for one reason or another, and you have to recover notes. You can get in touch with someone you know, from class, and see about catching up to the material you might have missed. If you do this, it's easy to imagine that you'll be better off.

Don't forget to review. Even if you're confident in your ability to retain information, you shouldn't rely on this confidence alone. Review can help you retain information, which makes sense when given how infrequently classes meet. When you only go to class one day out of the entire week, it's easy to imagine that some knowledge may become hazy. This is why it's in your best interest to read up, complete assignments, and always stay on top of things.

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