Thursday, 7 December 2017

Uncover The Top Free Concept Map Maker Tools To Use

By Carl Young

In this modern age, there are numerous applications and software that have been developed by web and mobile developers for making certain tasks much easier. In most businesses and professions, it entails coming up with new ideas through the process of mind mapping. When creating a mind map, it often entails creating a visual representation of a main idea accompanied by connecting branches, which relay associated or relevant sub topics.

Even though one can do this by simply writing everything down on paper, there are alternative means like doing so digitally. This is more convenient nowadays, especially when it comes to projects that require collaboration from other colleagues or feedback from clients. Following this trail of thought, this article will be emphasizing on the best modern programs for free concept map maker tasks.

For users who prefer using website platforms as opposed to downloading the necessary content or program will like Coggle and all its attributes. Coggle has a high amount of users because it is highly functional and convenient to access. Its nicely designed user interface allows you to post comments, add different shades to specific labels, and even allows users to message each other within the site.

Mind Mapple is another addition to this list and can be accessed through a web browser or simply by downloading the official app. Since it can be accessed by both Mac and Windows users, it is highly accessible and easy to download and install. It can be associated with your drive account or through cloud share, which makes sharing files easy and convenient. It also has other attributes, like applying labels and bookmarking certain pages.

For total flexibility and ease of use, consider downloading Nova Mind instead, which is accessible through all available platforms. The great thing about it is that it offers an encompassing tutorial mode for beginners who have no idea on how to use it to its full extent. Nevertheless, Nova Mind only allows users to create up to twenty five topics, which means one must limit and finish one node to create a new one once the memory is full.

Text2Mindmap is a popular app for many professionals and has become a main stay in this particular regard. As what you have probably amassed from its name, the app allows you to jot down your thoughts or ideas in a text format, which can then be applied to a typical mind map complete with nodes and branches. One of the main reasons why men and women prefer using it is its simplicity and speed.

Blumind is a part of this list for three specific reasons. This includes its portability, numerous features, and the very low price of free. Although it only contains the basics, most users appreciate the fact that it does not cost a single cent and is very easy to use, even for beginners. It has however, a notable attribute, which is a timer. This is useful for adhering to deadlines and limiting the amount of brainstorming for certain tasks.

Sketchboard allows you to post images and also make use of its premade icons and illustrations. More than three users can go online at the same time to collaborate in real time as well. Even though its trial version is only up to 5 years, you already have access to all it has to offer. Renewing the existing account after 5 years will be up to you after it expires.

Visual Understanding Environment or more popularly known as VUE is the last addition to this list. While developed and released in 2017, it has already been update with new additional attributes. It also has many options for saved files, like PDFs and HTML files.

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