Monday, 23 September 2013

Reasons On Why An Indoor Tanning Lotion Is Important Even With No Contact With The Sun

By Haywood Hunter

Caucasians have always had a particular love affair with the sun and the surest sign of an outdoor loving person has always been an attractive tan. However, the dangers of the sun to the skin have been prominently preached for some years, and many people who still wish to boast a tanned skin now resort to an indoor tanning lotion.

It is important to realize that these lotions do not provide protection against direct sunlight and that they should never substitute normal protective measures when venturing out in the sun. In fact, indoor tanning lotion is normally designed for use with indoor ultra violet sources such as tanning beds.

One of the main ingredients that cause the skin to turn brown or golden is melanin. In most cases, an indoor tanning lotion does not contain this ingredient because the majority of tanning beds are made primarily from acrylic materials which are damaged by these chemicals. Indoor tanning lotion should therefore be used as they are intended and substitutes should never be considered.

Individual responsibility is the only thing that can prevent health problems. It is important to understand that all forms of tanning hold certain dangers. The lotions that are use can be beneficial, but it can also be fatal. It is best to gain expert advice on what works and what does not work.

When setting out to become brown, tanned or bronzed by using an indoor tanning bed, it is very important to understand the dangers. People tend to forget that these devices also pose certain dangers and that lengthy sessions can cause serious harm to the skin. It is vital to wear an indoor tanning lotion when using these facilities.

It is not necessary to give up the ideal of sporting a beautifully bronzed or browned skin. All that is necessary is to be careful and to always use an indoor tanning lotion when using any of the various devices that are available to obtain this objective.

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