Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Assisi Animal Health: 3 Foods You Shouldn't Feed Cats

By Robin Setser

If you are a pet owner, chances are that you already know that certain foods aren't meant to cats. However, those who aren't as familiar with these animals will understandably wonder why this is the case. What are some of those foods which they should not feed cats, under any circumstances? For those who are curious to learn as much as possible, in this respect, here are a few key points illustrated by Assisi Animal Health and others.

Many types of food are not meant for cats, and tuna is a great place to start. The main reason for this is that it does not have the same level of nutrient, as other foods, which cats need in order to live the healthiest lives possible. Companies the likes of Assisi Animal Health, as well as other authorities, can tell you that there are better alternatives. This is yet another reason why tuna is a food that should only be consumed, by cats, only on certain occasions.

Chocolate isn't just unhealthy for dogs. As a matter of fact, you should know that cats who consume chocolate run the risk of developing a number of serious health-related problems. These can range anywhere from light tremors to death, meaning that pet owners must be careful about where this particular sweet is placed. This is yet another element that should be kept out of the diet of any cat, regardless of how old they are.

Even though fruit may seen as healthy, different types are not worthwhile to your cat's regimen. Amongst the most serious ones are grapes, which may surprise you given the antioxidants they provide. However, grapes possess a certain type of toxin that can impact a feline's overall being, resulting in kidney failure. Cats are predominantly carnivorous creatures, and this is yet another reason why such a scientific fact holds tremendous water.

Anyone who has owned a cat can tell you that it's a rewarding experience in certain respects. These animals are charming, in their own way, and they can prove to be strong companions to boot. In order for them to be healthy, though, the right regimens must be maintained. Different foods must be consumed, which goes without saying, while others must be kept to the wayside. Hopefully the 3 points discussed earlier have given you a better understanding of the former.

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