Wednesday 23 March 2016

Removing The Fear Of Writing And Editing Services

By Amanda Lee

Many people think of being an author the wrong way. Most non writers think it is a monumental task. And most do not know how to start.

In reality, writing a book is lot easier than perceived. Different techniques from thousands or authors are just a web search away, and editing services and others that help authors are cheaper and more accessible than ever. It is time you find out how to succeed in this career.

The first thing you need to do is lower your standards. It is very effective to expect less from yourself rather than try to be the best possible. You should for example, allow the first draft to be very poor. This is important so that you can actually write something. One of the main causes of writers block is when you try to carve out the perfect words on a blank sheet of paper. It is much easier to modify an ugly page than try to fill an empty one.

One more thing to take into account is penning a book is a new habit. Habits are best developed when made very easy. Attempting to exercise an hour a day on the first week for instance will have a high likelihood of failure. A new habit is a bigger hassle than you imagine. Attempting to compose your work for only an hour a day will cause a domino effect of tasks being pushed to accommodate it. It would be better to write only a single page per day. This method makes consistency very attainable.

Writers also get distracted and procrastinate. There are many methods around this. First, determine if your are a night owl or an early bird. Most successful writers report to having the most creativity between ten in the evening to seven in the morning, some prefer to write during the day. Try both to see which fits you.

Many people also struggle with staying on task. Fortunately, there is no shortage of techniques to deal with this. One approach that has many proponents dictates that you should break up your focused attention with short rest periods to ensure that you are more effective.

Having a short deadline can also be an unlikely source of value to you. This approach is effective because it forces you to reject anything that is not immediately useful and direct your attention into the most critical aspects of your work. Focusing only on important things is another important point.

Think of anything, business, sports, entertainment, what they have in common is generally only twenty percent of effort is responsible for eighty percent of gain. Looking at entertainment, you will notice that the twenty percent are the episodic fiction shows are responsible for the bulk of the revenue of Television. It is crucial for you to determine the critical few you need to focus on rather than doing everything.

Now that you know a few tricks you need to to immerse yourself in whatever you want to write about. If fiction, spoil yourself with your different sources of inspiration. If you want to compose non fiction then you are likely already immersed but if lets say you want to write about a certain place you have never been to, you should live there for a while.

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