Friday, 7 October 2011

How To Treat A Symptom of Mononucleosis

By Rickey Henolap

Mono, also known as the kissing disease can be very dangerous and should be carefully treated. Mono the kissing disease is called that because it is often spread through saliva and close contact often made in sexual positions. Mono is most common in middle school and high school aged people.

A valuable natural solution in treatment mononucleosis, is sleeping and rest. The less activity and more rest will aid in fighting off the viral infection. The fatigue you may feel during treatment mononucleosis can be overwhelming especially if the person is highly active in school, sports, or work. If you are not used to resting room darkening shades, or even reading a book, or working on a needlework will help you relax and remain quiet during the treatment mononucleosis.

Going to a doctor, he will check to see if your lymph nodes are swollen. Sometimes your spleen or your liver will be swollen and they will check for that because it can be a very direct indicator as to if you have mono or not. The doctor will probably want to do some blood work on you to confirm if you have mono the kissing disease or not. If you have a higher than normal white blood count the chances are that you do have mono the kissing disease.

The symptoms of mono the kissing disease start off by with the average signs of being ill. Most of the time you can expect a sore throat, a headache, and just a tired weak feeling. Your tonsils will more than likely start to swell up and turn a white color. Your lymph nodes on your neck will swell up. You can just touch the outside of your lymph nodes on your neck to generally know if they are swollen up or not. If you have these symptoms you should make sure to go to a doctor. You may not have mono the kissing disease. You should never diagnose yourself through what you think you know. Always visit a doctor.

Any patient experiencing at least one of the symptoms of mononucleosis needs to be immediately seen by a physician. In addition to the similarity between influenza and mononucleosis , the symptoms of mononucleosis may resemble medical conditions such as strep throat , leukemia or lymphoma because of a persistent throat ache.

Kissing disease mono very rarely causes any kind of complications, however, if there are any complications they can become extremely serious. Your spleen may become enlarged and may burst because it causes the spleen to handle a lot more blood cells than it usually does. Although it is very rare for the spleen to rupture it can be fatal if it is not treated very quickly. That is why it is extremely important to be aware of the symptoms that may cause the spleen to enlarge or possibly rupture. If you feel like your heart is beating extremely rapid or very hard, if you feel lightheaded, have trouble breathing, experience any pain in the upper left part of your abdomen or you are easily bleeding more than normal you should seek medical treatment immediately.

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