Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Meanings Of Feng Shui Numbers Broken Down

By Raymond Chang

There is much confusion on the topic of numbers in feng shui, an obvious example being the number four, which many people consider as unlucky.

To ensure your home has the best possible conditions to accumulate positive chi, you need to look at every small detail, including the topic of numbers and the meanings behind them. We must examine two questions:

First, are some house numbers bad while others are good? Secondly, how do we deal with 'bad' house numbers if there is such a thing?

As you become more familiar with the principle of feng shui and become more connected with your home, you begin to notice certain things, such as how your entrance brings energy into your home, or how the energies in your kitchen have a direct impact on your health matters.

It is very easy to get anxious or frustrated when trying to understand the meanings of numbers. It is important that we maintain a calm and logical state of mind when assessing the meaning of numbers in our own homes.

The ancient study of numbers is what we refer to as numerology. By learning more about it we can assess the significance of the numbers associated with our home.

Meanings Of Feng Shui Numbers

Below are the core meanings of the numbers zero through to nine.

0 emptiness, potential, nothing

1 New beginnings, a healthy pure energy flow

2 balance, choice, two or more groups cooperating

3 self expression and creativity

4 being stable and secure

5 adapting to a changing environment, being adventurous

6 having patience and remaining calm

7 Self reflection, contemplating, being alone

8 Abundance, success in business

9 Complete, the highest number

One of the main reasons why people misunderstand numbers is that they associate their meanings with similar sounding words from the Chinese language. One of the most common examples is the number 4, which sounds similar to the Chinese word for death. For this reason many people associate it with bad luck. In English, the word death sounds nothing like the number 4 so I don't think it is something we should worry about.

Feng shui numbers are not simply good or bad - it is not as black and white as that. It is more about the chi (energy). We are all in charge of creating positive energy when we take control of our lives. Your ability to use feng shui is one important step in taking control of your life.

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