Friday, 14 December 2012

3 Great Superfoods That Will Super-charge Your Immune System

By Maud Seydel

Nobody likes to get sick. Many folks go to extremes to make sure their body isn't subjected to the conditions that will weaken their bodies and cause them to suffer from the influenza or even the common cold. We even go so far as to stay away from friends and relatives when they are ill. The sales of hand sanitizing gel have risen over the years. Dietary supplements are a billion dollar industry just in the United States alone. In an effort to stay healthy, we constantly read new reports and watch videos on the latest health-related information. It's common knowledge that, in order to be healthy, you have to eat a balanced diet full of health giving foods. However, what are these superfoods that will help us? What do we need to eat specifically to protect our immune system from germs that can make us ill? The focus of this report is to present you with some of the important immune-boosting superfoods you can easily include in your weekly eating plan.

Do you like almonds? They are a wonderful immune-boosting superfood that a lot of folks don't even know about. For one thing, they contain a good amount of magnesium. Magnesium is needed to keep your cells as strong as they can be. Also, magnesium is one of the main factors for having a stronger immune system. Almonds are available practically anywhere you shop, and they're just plain good to eat. Have you seen all the different varieties at your supermarket? They're fun to bake with. You can make many different snacks and desserts with almonds. Do you have a favorite homemade granola recipe? If so, make sure you include some chopped up almonds. If you like almonds straight out of the bag or can, eat them that way.

One surprising food - at least to me - that is a superfood is turkey! Did you know that? Sorry vegans and vegetarians, but this is the truth. The reason turkey is so beneficial is because it contains high levels of glutamine; however, don't forget to include other healthy, lean meats in your diet also. Glutamine protects the health of your white blood cells and they depend on it to be supplied in adequate quantities. It also increases your T cell count which is important when you want your body and your immune system to be as healthy as possible.

One of the best immune enhancing superfoods is garlic. It does have a distinct odor, but the nutrients contained in these small cloves are numerous. Eating garlic raw is the preferred way to take advantage of its nutrients. Obviously this is going to pack quite a punch, but if you really want the superfood power, this is how the garlic must be eaten. If this just isn't possible, rather than skip adding garlic to your meals, use it in the foods you cook. The benefits to your immune system will still be there and your food will taste great. Use as much as you want! You will feel great.

There are many benefits to be had from eating the superfood salmon, but one of the most important advantages is its ability to strengthen your immune system. As you no doubt know, some fish - and especially salmon - contain protein and omega-3 fatty acids. These are two substances that are critical to help you maintain your best health. Your muscles enlarge when you eat enough protein and, when they are strong, your body is more prepared to fight illness. The omega-3 fatty acids keep the omega-6 fatty acids in check, thereby protecting your body from bacteria and germs that can cause illness. It's a good idea to have a meal that contains salmon at least two times each week. It's best if you can eat salmon three times a week, but you might find it difficult to include it in your meal plan that often. Try having it for lunch sometimes or, if you truly cannot manage three meals of salmon, stick to twice per week. There are so many different foods out there that can help you boost your immune system. For good reason, these foods have been labeled superfoods. This discussion of three of the immune-boosting superfoods is a good place to start building up your immune system. As you plan a more healthy diet that will keep your immune system strong, use these superfoods as the foundation. If you are determined to boost your immune system, a little research on the internet will give you even more superfoods to include in your diet.

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