Sunday, 23 December 2012

Care For New Patients Expected To Reduce

By Stephanie Riggle

The steps taken by the US government in the health sector are affecting medical practitioners negatively. Many physicians in private practice are considering abandoning the profession. As the move take root takes effect, it will be hard to get care for new patients. The health sector is very important in any economy.

The doctors are already burdened by the existing regulations. The new requirements will increase the load on their backs. There are already many hurdles they currently have to contend with in delivery of the services. Many of them will be wedged out of business in future as their incomes take a beating.

The income of the doctors will definitely be eroded by the new move. As if this was not enough, the conduct of their work will be under constant focus from the rules. The medics will have to contend with insurers who challenge every treatment suggestion made.

At the moment, many people in this profession are considering seeking other options to make a living, or continue working in harsh conditions. Those who will opt to continue will have to spend less time with the clients. This will not be very good for the well being of citizens.

The future of the profession is in doubt, as bright young people shun medicine as a career. Already admissions in medical school have reduced which might result in a reduction in the number of future doctors. Students are discouraged by these requirements to take up medicine in college.

Seeking employment may be the only viable option left for the doctors. The situation will mean that it becomes hard to access care for new patients as the number of patients will increase more than the medical service providers. If one elects to work in such conditions, the conduct of business becomes very hard. They therefore have to be innovative and come up with better ways of offering services to the sick.

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