Sunday, 25 September 2011

Let's Have A Halloween T-Shirts Party, Shall We?

By Josh York

Okay, guys. Let's get a few things straight here, alright? It is not okay for grown-up men to eat candy till they are sick, it is not okay for grown-up people to go knocking from door to door saying "trick or treat", and it is definitely not okay for grown-ups to throw rolls off toilet paper all over somebody's yard. If it isn't okay to do any of these things as an adult, then why is it okay for adults to dress up in costumes for a party? Seriously, people...let's start drinking our booze like real adults here. If we have to party on Halloween, we should at least do it in Halloween t-shirts like reasonable drunks.

Don't give me a bunch of whiney complaints about not being able to find an Halloween t-shirts for a party. You have over a month to get on the Internet, look up the relevant websites, and find one of thousands of shirts available for purchase out there. The cost is negligible when you compare it to the ridiculous prices of Halloween costumes and makeup. You'll only probably spend around $20 on a funny Halloween t-shirt, and you'll always be able to bring it out of the closet again next year. How much were you going to pay for that costume? That's what I thought.

There is absolutely no misery on this earth that comes on so suddenly as costume misery at a party. When you get to the party, you are excited and happy because you're proud of whatever silly costume you've put together. Then the novelty wears off and you have a few drinks. Your mask starts suffocating you or your makeup starts itching your face. A few more drinks, and you're miserable. It never fails. If you were at a Halloween t-shirts party, however, the only thing that would make your miserable are the shots of tequila you started pounding.

You will get a TON more people coming to your Halloween t-shirts party as soon as you let everyone know that there is a strict "no costumes allowed" rule. There are so many people out there who eschew going out on Halloween at all because they just can't get behind the idea of dressing up like a child. All of your friends who don't party on Halloween for that reason, are going to show up with their game faces on and their drinks in hand. Even the people who may grumble about the lack of costumes will soon forgive you once everyone gets good and drunk. Costumes are terrible when you have to pee a lot.

Don't be a lame, childish, uninteresting person this year. Do yourself a huge favor and have a Halloween t-shirts party instead. Even though people may complain, or even pretend to care, they t-shirt idea will be embraced whole-heartedly. Drinking is so much better when you don't have to worry about messing up your makeup or removing your mask. Also, making out with strangers is better for the same reason...not that I do that. I'm a married man, after all.

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