Friday, 17 August 2012

How To Lower Your Blood Pressure With Diet And Exercise

By Isaac Sean

Many people in this world do not take enough time to consider the things that they are putting in their body. This can cause you to lose a great deal of energy and can cause long-term damage to your body. Getting the most out of your food is not as difficult as many people think, and if you follow these tips, it can be easier than you ever thought.

Omega 3 fatty acids should be consumed for a healthy heart. These poly unsaturated fatty acids work to lower the triglycerides and increase HDL, the good cholesterol, in your body. Omega 3 fatty acids can also prevent blood from clotting inside your body. Studies also show that consuming Omega 3 fats can help to lower blood pressure.

Balance your daily diet against your body's composition. If you use a body fat scale, you can see what percentage of your weight is fat, muscle, and water. For optimum health, you want to keep a low body fat percentage. If yours is high, reduce the amount of fat in your diet. If your muscle mass percentage is high, consider increasing the amount of protein in your diet, to feed that muscle.

Children naturally want to be involved in whatever their parents are doing. You should involve your children in preparing healthy meals, filling their lunch boxes, and making healthy snacks. This also provides a great opportunity for you to teach them about the nutritional value of food and how to make healthy choices.

When you are craving a glass of fruit juice, you should consider having a small piece of fresh fruit instead. This will curb your craving and it will also keep you full for much longer. If you must drink fruit juice, try to drink a diet or 100 percent natural version.

Get more vegetables on your pizza! You don't have to limit yourself to the mainstays of tomatoes, mushrooms, green peppers and olives. Add an assortment of vegetables to make pizza a healthier food choice. Add anything from broccoli to zucchini to spinach! It will taste great!

Do not deprive yourself of having desserts because it will only make you crave them even more. You can have a dessert after dinner each night if you choose a low-fat sugar free option. Buying sugar free Jell-O is great because it is inexpensive and is not high in fat.

One of the best ways to keep track of what you are actually putting into your body is a food journal. There are many applications for smart phones that can help you with this. If you aren't tech savvy all you need is a notebook and a pen and you can start writing what you have been eating.

Those are sensible suggestions right? You probably agree. The hard part is actually following through on the advice. It's probably not realistic to think that you can suddenly bring to bear all of these suggestions; but why not resolve now that you will diligently apply at least one or two of the tips?

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